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Privacy Policy

Our policy to ensure you understand how we treat your personal information.

Welcome to Now. In the terms below, when we use the words “we”, “us”, “our” or “Now” we mean Now New Zealand Limited (Company No. 1221330) and any related company that provides you with Now services. When we refer to “you”, we mean you, our customer and/or the user of the Now website ( and and services.

As a company, we take pride in being transparent and straight-up with kiwis. We believe it is important for you to know how we treat any personal information we collect about you.

In the everyday course of interacting with us, we may ask you for personal information. This policy has been created to help you understand how we collect, use and protect your information when you visit our website and use Now products and services.

We comply with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 (Act). The policy set out below does not limit or exclude any of your rights under the Act. For more information about how your personal information is protected under the Act and the Telecommunications Information Privacy Code 2020 visit

Information we collect

We will collect personal information about you when you provide it to us via our website (including information entered in our sign-up form and other forms across the website), through interactions you have with us (via our call centre, webchat, email or other contact channel – including call recordings), or when you purchase or use our products and services. The information we collect may include:

  • name;

  • address;

  • email address;

  • contact number; and

  • computer or network information.

We may also collect information about you through third parties (for example credit checking agencies, or local fibre companies) where you have agreed to this, or if the information is publicly available.

We gather certain information automatically on connection with the use of our website by individual users, for instance, your IP address, which is used to assist with diagnosis of problems with our services. Generally, information will be gathered in aggregate and cannot be traced to an individual user. In addition, we gather certain information automatically as part of your use of the cloud products and services associated with the website.

Website activity tracking

We may use services like Google Analytics and other website tools to help us analyse and understand your use of our website. Services like Google Analytics use cookies to collect standard web usage information and visitor behaviour in an anonymous way. The information generated by the cookie is transmitted to Google, who then produce reports about behaviour and usage on our website – enabling us to better understand and improve your browsing experience. These reports will not personally identify you.

If you do not want your usage on our website tracked, you can change your browser settings to ensure cookies are disabled.

How we use your information

We collect and use your personal information for a number of purposes, including:

  • Verifying and confirming your identity;

  • Providing and maintaining the products and services you have with us;

  • Processing complete or partial requests, or transactions that you make with us (for example requesting to join Now). If you provide us with personal information such as your email address or mobile number (e.g. by filling out a website form), we may use that information to communicate with you about relevant products or services – this may include telemarketing or email marketing;

  • Carrying out credit checks when necessary;

  • Communicating and marketing our products and services to you, via SMS, email, online advertising or by phone;

  • Offering you special rewards, offers, competitions or other promotions;

  • Inviting you to complete customer research (e.g. customer satisfaction surveys, focus groups);

  • Responding to any requests for service, support, or complaints you have made via any of our customer interaction channels;

  • Billing you and collecting money that you owe us, including authorising and processing credit card transactions;

  • Training our staff, monitoring our network(s) and service(s), and maintaining our system(s);

  • Complying with legal, governmental or regulatory agencies’ requests in connection with the regulation of telecommunications services, and in connection with any legal proceedings, crime or fraud prevention or detection, or prosecution;

  • Monitoring our network and usage of data on our network; and

  • For any other purpose authorised by you or the Act

Who we may disclose your information to

We may at times need to disclose your personal information to:

  • A credit reference agency (upon your agreement) for the purpose of checking your credit information. We may also disclose information relevant to your Now accounts including repayment history information to any credit reporting agency. Credit reporting agencies may use information disclosed by us to update their credit reporting database and disclose any information that they hold about you to their own customers as permitted under the Credit Reporting Privacy Code 2020. In addition, we may use any service provided by our credit reporting agencies to receive updates of the information it holds about you;

  • Another company within our group;

  • A business or organisation whose products and services support our service(s), network(s), or other part of our operations, including but not limited to network operators and local fibre companies, web/IT application and hosting providers, debt collectors, couriers, payment processing entities and professional contractors such as consultants, solicitors, auditors, accountants and/or advisors;

  • Our agents who promote, sell on behalf of or offer our services;

  • Other network operators as required to provide and/or support the product(s) and service(s) we provide to you;

  • Third parties who we share aggregated user/customer statistics, where you cannot be personally identified e.g. advertising agencies, potential customers or partners;

  • Organisations (and their representatives) whom we may be required to pass your information by reason of legal, governmental or regulatory authority including law enforcement agencies and emergency services;

  • Organisations providing directory or directory enquiry services and other such publicly available databases and publications, except where you have specifically directed us not to; and

  • Any of our potential or actual assignees or transferees, such as a potential purchaser of our business.

Accessing and changing the information we hold about you

You have the right to access your readily retrievable personal information that we hold and may request a correction to your personal information (see below for contact details). This right will only be exercisable if you can provide evidence that confirms you are the person to whom the personal information relates to.

If the personal information we hold about you is incorrect, you can ask us to correct it. We will make the correction provided that we are reasonably able to do so.

We may charge you for our reasonable costs of providing to you copies of, or correcting, your personal information.

Attention: Privacy Officer

Now New Zealand Limited


Security of your information

We take all reasonable steps to protect personal information including external and internal security, restricting access to personal information, maintaining technology products to prevent unauthorised computer access and regularly reviewing our technology to maintain security.

Changes to this Policy

We may need to change our Privacy Policy from time to time. If we do so, we will post the updated version on our website. Any change we make applies from the date we post it on our website.

Last updated: 13 May 2024